How to protect your garden from wildlife?

Are little wild bunnies are hopping around your garden and having lunch on your carrots? So what should you do? Harming the wildlife is something we don't want. The best way can be making your garden wildlife-proof which can minimize the wildlife attack on your garden.

Find the offender
For protecting your garden, the very first thing will be identifying the culprit. You have to fence your garden according to the offender. Monitor the footprints of the culprit and then make a blueprint of security measures. If you see any animal say skunk, squirrels, mice, opossums, etc; never try to catch them yourself. Sometimes, they can be really dangerous to your kids and pets. The professional team of Mice Control Toronto has good training and a specialized piece of pieces of equipment for capturing wildlife without hurting them.

Fence your garden
Fencing is the best and most common technique for keeping wildlife away from your garden. Fences act as a security wall between wildlife and vegetables. There are various types of fencings from cheap to expensive. Choose your fencing according to wildlife. If you are dealing with rabbits, mice, skunks, or squirrels then you will require a small and netted fence. But if you are dealing with deer or other wildlife then you will need long wooden fences around the garden.

Pick less tasty plants
If you have a choice then always pick those plants which are less preferred by wildlife. Well, if they are hungry they can eat anything but growing plants which are not wildlife's favorite will reduce the attack. Plants with prickles and aroma are often less appealing to the animals.

Protect new and tender plants
Green, small and tender leaves are the favorite lunch for animals. If you have recently brought small plants from nursery then you have to protect them from wildlife because new plants are usually nutritionally superior which makes them more susceptible to wild animals. You can use trunk wraps, fences or protectors for keeping them away from wildlife.

Use animal repellents
Using repellents can be a good technique for keeping the animals away from your garden. Spray repellents on vulnerable plants; these repellents can cause temporary sickness to the animals. There are two types of repellents; odor repellents and taste repellents. Odor repellents have a strong smell which makes plants unattractive to the animals; whereas taste repellents can cause illness. You can also use homemade repellents such as garlic chip, castor oil, and predator urine can be used as natural repellents for keeping wildlife away from your garden. But these repellents are temporary and you have to reapply them from time to time. Hot peppers products are good repellents for keeping rabbits away from your veggies.

Use pots and raised beds
If you want to keep your veggies away from rabbits and other rodents then using elevating pots and raised beds can be a good choice. Raised beds are usually two feet taller which can prevent rabbits from nibbling your carrots.

Make your garden unattractive
Well, planting grasses and other wild plants around your veggies may not look good but it can keep your garden safe from animals. If your garden is clean and your vegetables are easily visible; squirrels may have dinner in your garden. But if you keep veggies away from their eyes then there is less possibility of an attack.


Pets such as dogs and cats can be very convenient for keeping wildlife and rodents under control. Cat's odor is good enough to scare various rodents such as rabbits and squirrels. But make sure, your pets are not hopping around the garden and harming the plants.


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